Friday, January 17

Sheriff David Hill was invited to speak at the latest meeting of the Lovingston Village Association on Tuesday, Aug 16. He gave an overview of recent law enforcement activities in the county as well as how citizens can participate in keeping our neighborhoods safe.  Here are Sheriff Hill’s top suggestions:

  1. Record suspicious activity/vehicles – use phones, video, audio and capture suspicious vehicle photos as well as record license plate numbers.
  2. See something, Say something – no detail is too minor!
  3. Report minor thefts – a missing yard tool, things missing from vehicles can all be clues to a bigger picture.

The key is to contact the Sheriff’s department whenever you think something is not as it should be. Sheriff Hill said that these small details are always helpful, will be recorded and may lead to a break in a case that they are already working on.   For more information about contacting the Sheriff, please visit their website.

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